At theCubeNet we provide Unlimited, Secure and Reliable Usenet and VPN Service
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The Binreader newsreader client strictly enforces SSL certificates when authenticating and this...

Based on feedback from our customers, we find these are the most popular newsreader clients.Free...

We are planning a software upgrade on February 1, 2016 to the news server software that manages...

12 Mbps is equivalent to 1500 KBps. Many users with connections slower than 10 Mbps internet...

Depending on which package you subscribed to you are allowed 20, 30, or 50 simultaneous...

Please check the following before opening a support ticket - Please try a different port. -...

Sometimes Mozilla's Thunderbird will have trouble connecting to our SSL servers and may issue an...

All of our Usenet accounts have access to our U.S. and European servers. US Server...

Our retention is up to 4438+ days on both our U.S. and European servers. For the most accurate...

This is typically due to traffic congestion somewhere between you and our servers. Additionally...
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